woensdag 9 februari 2011

Is our daughter a demon?

We have an angel of a daughter, but sometimes I wonder if we shouldn't call the Exorcist.
Some of her behaviour makes me think she might be possessed by a demon.

The evidence?
1. She talks in a strange and ancient language, that nobody around us can understand. Sometimes it even sounds like she is talking backwards! And now and again she mutters "Ba'al"
2. Just as in the movie The Exorcist, she can turn her head almost completely around. Very creepy
3. Sometimes she spits and vomits with such a force, that it would push a grown man from his bike!
4. She sees dead people, I'm sure of it. Sometimes she just looks through me, or she sees things that nobody else sees. She can look at the wall and suddenly start to laugh, probably because a ghost told a very funny story.
5. She can put her feet almost over her head, and curl her toes like a wild animal
6. When she cries, it is like something we have never heard before.
and the biggest proof:
7. I just put on "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, and she started to move frantically and shouted "whoo, whoo, ... whoo, whoo"

1 opmerking:

  1. hahhaaaaaaa :D This is the funniest post I have read in ages!! :D

    You know, sometimes Emeline says things backwards as well. One good example is the word pizza. We say: pizz-a , pizz-a and Emeline repeats: "a-pppi, a-pppi" :D
