zondag 5 februari 2012

Building a snowman, flake by flake

Last year Caitlin built her first snowman with her grandfather in Germany. This time I helped her build one here in Belgium. The German one was more beautiful, but I'm sure the quality of the snow played some part in that. In Germany they use the roll-the-snow-till-it-becomes-a-ball, and repeat that three times with balls of smaller sizes. Here in Belgium the snow just doesn't stick, so we use the fill-the-bucket-and-then-push-the-snow-tight. It works like a charm :)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. :D looking good! We haven't done a snowman here in italy...yet.. but in estonia we did one in the morning that melt by the afternoon :/

  2. I thought high up in the mountains in Caltrano there should be tons of snow :)

    We are now 4 days later and the snowman is still standing... minus 14 last night and now minus 7 in our garden
