vrijdag 12 februari 2010

Eurostar - A Bad Experience

I would like to share with you a bad experience I had with a competition organized by Eurostar on Facebook. The competition rules were very easy : Upload a picture or a quote with regard to "London & Love", and post it on their facebook fanpage. The 14 members who had the highest number of votes, would win. It specifically warned contestants to make sure their entry was about London & Love, otherwise they would be disqualified.

I invited all my friends, bullied them into voting for my picture (which i'm happy to say was not a silly snapshot but a very nice picture) and I ended up 15th. Ok, so I lost. It's not the end of the world. 14 others scored better, right? Well, not really. Out of the 14 winners, at least 2 did not refer to London AND love, and one didn't even have ANY reference to either love or London.

According to the rules, they should have been disqualified, which would also mean that my picture would have won. So you can say I have been cheated out of 2 train tickets.

I have tried to contact Eurostar, but they "refuse to discuss the competition". So I will take it one level higher, and contact Test Aankoop/Test Achat.

If anybody else feels he has been cheated, you can always contact me here below.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm ok with you, but the rules are always the same in this kind of contest : stupid and not respected. So, the popularity and nothing else. The beauty of picture ? Not important. Only popularity. Eurostar wanted to rise his fans and it worked. Nothing else...


  2. Frank, do read the small text again. It's a pity, but it's only 2 tickets:)

  3. Volgens mij is er zelfs nog verdergestemd na 00.00u middernacht. want ik heb alle 181 foto's bekeken na middernacht, en voor zover ik weet stond jij binnen de 14 winnende. Maar ik vrees dat dit nu niet veel meer te zake doet.

  4. idd er is nog verder gestems en ze hebben gote fout gemaakt, ze moeten dit rechtzetten!! en idd test aankoop of inspecteur de caluwe van radio 2, dit is tegen hun eigenreglement

  5. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  6. There is also those who posted a link to their picture again on the wall... also forbidden as this was a "second participation"... but they won, too ! So... I look forward to hearing from you and you complaint :) Keep us posted ! I had maybe "only" 49 likes (the picture with all the colored houses) but still I am very disappointed by how this contest has been ruled...

  7. Inderdaad, rond middernacht was jij 14de en ik 15de.....
    In de winende fotos zijn er enkele dieniets te maken hebben met Londen en Love.... Cream of London moet dit rechtzetten, zeker dat ze ook gemeld hadden dat de fotos die er niets mee te maken hadden , gedisqualifieerd waren..... Het is echt niet juist....

  8. Ik denk dat daar de grootste fout zit. Dat de wedstrijd niet is afgelsloten om middernacht. In principe kon dit ook niet, tenzij ze er alle foto's afhaalden na middernacht.
