zaterdag 26 november 2016

Climbing Everest: The Last Mile is the Longest

A view of the new building from the outside.

The most important machine is already up and running

Some final touches before this meeting room is ready to use

Working together and sharing a common work space

The IT home away from home until 2032?

Our new Concept Restaurant

ISS Belgium's ICT Manager taking a break from the hard work

Our Window Cleaning department is helping out.

donderdag 24 november 2016

ISS Nordic Light Restaurant Concept

Starting this Monday, the Belgian ISS Headquarters in Vilvoorde will be serving a completely new restaurant concept, aptly named "Nordic Light".

Based on a Scandinavian concept, the restaurant offers 3 different choices: a warm & cold buffet, a salad bar or a sandwich bar.

There will always be a vegetarian option and the promise of healthy, wholesome food.

The ISS chef offers food that has to fit the 4 four pillars: Quality, Sustainability, Experience & Service.