zaterdag 28 november 2009

Swedish Designer Drugs - Daan

Today Flemish Radio 1 is bringing us the best 100 Belgian songs. I'm listening to them while I'm cleaning my old house and now Daan is playing with a wonderful song: Swedish Designer Drugs. It's a great song and the video clip features the same vacuum cleaner that I'm using at this very moment :) Talk about coincides...

Check out Youtube for the video clip AND the vacuum cleaner :

p.s. the song also exists in a softer version by Belgian Trio Laïs.

vrijdag 27 november 2009

Free Tickets - Hable Con Ella - Flagey

I have 2 free tickets for the viewing of Pedro Almodovar's Hable Con Ella in the Flagey Studios, this Wednesday December 2nd at 8pm. Unfortunately I cannot go, but if anybody is interested, drop me a line here below. Please only respond if you are really 100% that you are going, it would be a waste to throw away 2 tickets for such a good movie.